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The Lumenis® fractional laser creates microscopic channels that trigger the process of new collagen and elastic fibers production while leaving some unaffected skin in between the channels to reduce healing time. The result is deep dermal regeneration that dramatically improves your skin elasticity and appearance. Healing after this treatment is relatively rapid with minimal care required for about a week and redness of the treated skin generally resolving over the subsequent week. Most patients' appearance will not only be substantially improved after only about ten days, but it will also continue to improve for months after this unique laser therapy as the treated skin creates more collagen. A The results of Laser Skin Resurfacing are highly dependent on the level of experience of the practitioner. Each patient’s treatment parameters are customized and selected for the best result by Dr. Jane who has in-depth experience in Laser Skin Resurfacing. All Laser Skin Resurfacing procedures are done by Dr. Jane in our clinic. Another important consideration or factor that can affect the result is after care. The facility has experienced estheticians who have been trained to deal with post-laser skin. Our laser center provides quality after-care protocol and guidance to reduce any possible complications and to give the best results without paying additional After care procedure fee. Check This Out.

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About author:
First Name, Last Name:Michael Self
Postal address:358 Collins Avenue, Plain City, 43064, United States
Tropical zodiac:Taurus
Company:Beasts of Beauty
Occupation:Retail salesperson
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